What to do with your Heating System during Spring Season

What to do with your Heating System during Spring Season

As the winter season is coming to an end and the spring season is ready to embrace us with lush green warmth be sure to know what to do with your hydronic heat pump during this season.

You might be thinking since it’s already spring should I turn off my heat pump or should I keep it running? Continue reading and find the best next steps for your hydronic heat pump during the spring season.

Check the infographic below or continue reading…

Air Filter should be checked, changed, or cleaned

A hydronic heat pump has been useful throughout the winter months now it is time to care for it and do easy tasks like checking, changing, and cleaning its air filter.

After operating your hydronic heat pump during the 3-month winter season, its air filter might have accumulated dirt and other debris which might cause a problem the next time you use it so be sure to tend to it every three months.

It is best to choose a date in spring and then mark your calendars 90 days in the future so you can be notified when it is due for changing or cleaning.

Turn off the heating system when it reaches above 50 degrees Fahrenheit

For some, this temperature can still be cold so be sure to check how you feel and decide whether to turn it off. If you get chilly, best to run the heating system overnight.

Be more efficient and take advantage of outdoor air:

During the daytime – let your windows open and allow warmer air and natural light to heat your home comfortably.

During the nighttime – be sure to close your windows so warm air from the daytime should be retained in your home.

It is also good to note that when the temperature is above 60 degrees consistently, it is advised to turn off your heating system for the season.

Invest in Ceiling Fans

Invest in Ceiling Fans
Image source: Hunter Fan Company

To better circulate the outdoor warm air inside the home, be sure to install and allow ceiling fans to run in your home.

Most ceiling fans come with 2 directions of rotation settings. Counterclockwise rotation allows the outdoor air to be pushed down making your home warmer. Clockwise rotation allows air to pull up. It is best to run counter-clockwise rotation during the spring season to better cycle air through the room.

Run your dishwasher or dryer at night time

Run your dishwasher at night time
Image source: Carlos Avila Gonzalez/San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images

Utilise your dishwasher or dryer hot setting by using it at night time and allow hot air to circulate and heat your home comfortably.

Schedule a Yearly Maintenance

We all know that a hydronic heat pump is quite the investment so be sure to provide necessary care to it and allow yourself to fully enjoy your investment by scheduling a yearly appointment with your supplier or other trusted heat pump service provider.

You should schedule its maintenance once in spring and once in fall through this, you will be able to ensure comfort when the next colder months hit.

Infographic Illustration for easier comprehension

What to do with your Heating System during Spring Season
Image sources: credits to their owner. Used for visualisation purposes only.

Over to you…

Turning off your heating system completely still depends on the current temperature in your area so be sure to be on the lookout for the weather and conserve energy efficiently. Happy heating!

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